Cheating Wife Wears No Panties While Enjoying Night Out

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hotwife cuckold hotwife caption cheating wife wears no panties while enjoying night out
Being a hotwife is. PH Enjoying a night out away from your husband and kids.

3 thoughts on “Cheating Wife Wears No Panties While Enjoying Night Out”

  1. I love watching her get ready for date nights. She wants to be perfect for him so spends lots of time thinking about what to wear, perfume, etc. Then the long, involved process of getting ready. She's always a little startled when the doorbell rings. I can't describe her facial expressions or those of the man picking her up but that's the highlight of this process for me.

  2. It was agreed before we married that she could do what she wanted one night in the week. I don't like it at all, but I put up with it because she's a sperm-hungry bitch and needs different dicks. Her night out gives her a thrill, and, naturally I am free, just the same as she is.

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