My Boss Comes to Our Home and Fucks My Wife Once a Week

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boss cuckold hotwife caption my boss comes to our home and fucks my wife once a week
Once her boss found out that Iwas a cuckold, he came by to fuck her every weekend!

6 thoughts on “My Boss Comes to Our Home and Fucks My Wife Once a Week”

  1. Oh yes My Wife Told her Boss that I was a Willing Cuckold and would only Watch Him Fuck her all Weekend if he wanted to.Omg.the things he Did tomy young sexy Wife.things that I had to Beg Her for.

  2. My wife fucked my boss one night in a motel, when she met him at the lounge. Wish he had fucked her more often.

  3. i got to get my wife this as she would love this and she is a good wife and deserves a a big cock fuck and i encourage her all the time

  4. well at lease the hubby won't get laid off or lose his Job. A good wife needs at lease one good fuck a week.

  5. My wife came home yesterday after work and I knew something was different. She finally admitted she sucked her bosses big cock.

  6. My boss flat told my wife he wanted to fuck her. She replied, "And when does my husband get his promotion"? Turns out, the following week, when he fucked her again. And yes, I watched both times!

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